ACCR Company Engagement Shell plc

Shell plc is a British-Dutch multinational oil, gas and petrochemical company headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands.

Named as one of the 10 biggest emitters in the world from 1988 to 2015, Shell’s planned emissions from 2018 to 2030 amount to almost 1.6% of the world’s carbon budget over the equivalent period.

ACCR has engaged with Shell since 2021 on its climate change commitments, releasing multiple publications that analyse its decarbonisation commitments and strategies.


  1. Insights

    Investor Bulletin: Countdown to the release of Shell’s 2025 LNG Outlook

    All eyes will be on Shell’s latest LNG Outlook when it’s released next week, as the company faces growing scrutiny around its LNG growth strategy.

  2. Media release

    Dwindling options: Shell Q4 results

    The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility​ (ACCR) is commenting on Shell’s release of its Q4 2024 results.

  3. Insights

    Editorial: Putting Shell's LNG strategy under scrutiny

    Investors need clarity on how Shell plans to navigate these profound changes in energy markets.

  4. Insights

    Investor Bulletin: Shell’s lobbying disclosures make incremental improvements, but step-change is needed

    Following investor pressure Shell has increased disclosure of its lobbying in emerging markets. However, Shell is still omitting emerging markets it sees as key growth drivers for its LNG business.

  5. Media release

    Shell’s LNG strategy under scrutiny as institutional investors file shareholder resolution

    ACCR has co-filed a shareholder resolution to Shell to justify the assumptions behind its LNG growth strategy and explain how it is consistent with its climate commitments.

  6. Shareholder Resolution

    Shareholder Resolution to Shell plc on LNG Outlook Disclosures

    ACCR has co-filed a shareholder resolution to Shell asking the company to justify the assumptions behind its LNG growth strategy and explain how it is consistent with its climate commitments.

  7. Research

    Shell’s LNG strategy: Overcooked?

    Shell plc’s LNG growth strategy is based on a bullish outlook for LNG demand and risks eroding shareholder value.

  8. Media release

    New research: "Shell’s LNG strategy: Overcooked?”

    ACCR has published research that suggests Shell plc’s ambitious LNG growth strategy risks eroding shareholder value.

  9. Media release

    Shell faces scrutiny for weakened climate plan

    Under the UK Corporate Governance Code, Shell will again have to consult with its shareholders, given the above 20% formal ‘against’ vote on its Energy Transition Strategy.

  10. Insights

    ACCR Presentation on Shell’s 2024 AGM

    Webinar to discuss ACCR’s research and voting intentions in the lead up to Shell’s AGM in May.

  11. Media release

    Shell commits to shedding light on emerging market lobbying

    Shell plc will disclose information about its climate and energy lobbying in “5-10 emerging and developing markets that are significant for our strategy, before our 2025 AGM.”

  12. Research

    Shell - Less Value, More Emissions

    Analysis of Shell’s 2024 Energy Transition Strategy, fossil fuel growth strategy, and lobbying disclosures

  13. Media release

    “Short-sighted”: Shell stalls again on climate

    ACCR is responding to the publication today of Shell’s 2024 Energy Transition Strategy.

  14. Research

    In the dark: gaps in Shell’s climate lobbying disclosures

    Undisclosed lobbying in emerging markets may undermine Shell’s support for the Paris goals and foster unsustainable fossil fuel supply and demand lock-in.

  15. Media release

    New research: Shell’s climate lobbying disclosures leave investors in the dark

    ACCR published research highlighting how Shell plc is failing to disclose to investors its climate lobbying in emerging markets.

  16. Insights

    Investor Bulletin: Shell losing ground on climate

    The pillars of Shell’s decarbonisation strategy are built on weak foundations and require a major rethink if the company intends to play a meaningful role in the energy transition.

  17. Insights

    Investor Bulletin: Analysis of Shell plc Capital Markets Day 2023

    Shell demonstrates to investors an unwillingness to transform its business in line with the global energy transition.

  18. Research

    Investor Bulletin: Shell and BP FY22 Q4 results and CO2 implications

    Analysis of both BP and Shell’s FY22 Q4 results, capex and emissions target implications, and legal updates.

  19. Insights

    Investor Bulletin: Shell and BP FY22 Q4 results and CO2 implications

    Analysis of both BP and Shell’s FY22 Q4 results, capex and emissions target implications, and legal updates.

  20. Research

    Update: Shell emissions forecast

    Shell’s recent performance indicates it is right-sizing its oil and gas business but not yet transitioning customers to alternatives.

  21. Research

    Initiation of coverage: Royal Dutch Shell (RDS)

    A two-part report on Royal Dutch Shell’s climate transition strategy.

  22. Media release

    ACCR launches Global Climate Insights

    ACCR will be offering in-depth company-level climate analysis of internationally listed companies, via a new research group called Global Climate Insights (GCI).

  23. Research

    In-depth: Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) climate vote

    Shell released its climate transition plan, which sets out its emission reduction targets and decarbonisation strategy—read ACCR's in-depth analysis.