
Media comment, updates and analysis from the ACCR team.

  1. Media release

    ACCR recommends vote against Woodside directors: significant underperformance

    ACCR has filed members' statements with Woodside Energy Group (ASX:WDS) dissenting against the election of all directors standing at the upcoming annual general meeting.

  2. Shareholder Resolution

    Members’ statements for resolutions relating to the re-election of Woodside directors

    ACCR has filed members' statements with Woodside Energy Group (ASX:WDS) against the re-election of Ann Pickard, Ben Wyatt and Anthony O’Neill.

  3. Media release

    Engagement with Rio Tinto on risk to water and communities

    Investors have an interest in ensuring Rio Tinto’s approach to critical business risk management and governance is as robust as possible.

  4. Media release

    More retrograde than re-set: BP Capital Markets Day 2025

    ACCR is commenting on BP’s announcement to the London Stock Exchange ahead of its Capital Markets Day.

  5. Media release

    Woodside’s Annual Report fails to turn the page

    ACCR is commenting on the release of Woodside’s 2024 Annual Report and Climate Update.

  6. Media release

    BP at the crossroads – Q4 results

    ACCR is commenting on BPs Q4 results.

  7. Media release

    Equinor Capital Markets Update: Doubling down on a loss-making segment

    ACCR is responding to Equinor’s annual results and Capital Markets Update.

  8. Media release

    New research: Equinor’s international oil & gas production a costly choice for Norway

    Equinor’s ongoing pursuit of oil and gas production outside the Norwegian Continental Shelf has made Norwegians poorer, not richer, new ACCR research finds.

  9. Media release

    Dwindling options: Shell Q4 results

    The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility​ (ACCR) is commenting on Shell’s release of its Q4 2024 results.

  10. Media release

    New research: BP’s fossil fuel spending beyond the boundaries of Paris

    ACCR has published research that shows that BP’s capital allocation towards new oil and gas projects is not consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

  11. Media release

    Shell’s LNG strategy under scrutiny as institutional investors file shareholder resolution

    ACCR has co-filed a shareholder resolution to Shell to justify the assumptions behind its LNG growth strategy and explain how it is consistent with its climate commitments.

  12. Shareholder Resolution

    Shareholder Resolution to Shell plc on LNG Outlook Disclosures

    ACCR has co-filed a shareholder resolution to Shell asking the company to justify the assumptions behind its LNG growth strategy and explain how it is consistent with its climate commitments.

  13. Media release

    New research: "Shell’s LNG strategy: Overcooked?”

    ACCR has published research that suggests Shell plc’s ambitious LNG growth strategy risks eroding shareholder value.

  14. Media release

    Greenwashing Proceedings in Federal Court

    ACCR's greenwashing claims against Santos Ltd is due to begin in the Federal Court of Australia, on Monday 28 October.

  15. Media release

    Rio Tinto responds to investor calls for better climate advocacy

    In light of Rio Tinto’s updated position, ACCR will recommence engagement with Rio Tinto on its climate and decarbonisation opportunities.

  16. Media release

    Active ownership delivers outcomes: BHP improves scope 3 disclosures & investors withdraw resolution

    Major institutional investors representing nearly US$110 billion assets under management have withdrawn a shareholder resolution filed with BHP Group Limited (BHP), following improved disclosures in the company’s 2024 Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP).

  17. Media release

    Back to the Future 2: Japanese steelmaker Nippon Steel commits to coal-fired steel in USA for decades

    Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC) will invest in extending the production life of a coal-dependent, carbon-intensive blast furnace currently operated by U.S. Steel.

  18. Media release

    Back to the future: Japanese steelmakers Nippon Steel and JFE Steel buy into Australian coal mine

    Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC) and JFE Steel (JFE) have collectively bought 30% of Whitehaven Coal’s Blackwater metallurgical coal mine in Queensland, Australia.

  19. Media release

    New chair opens up opportunity for step change at AGL

    ACCR is commenting on the announcement that AGL Energy Limited Chair, Patricia McKenzie, will retire in February 2025 and will be replaced by Miles George as Chair-elect.

  20. Media release

    Glencore holds on to coal: ratcheted up transition risk needs a plan

    ACCR is commenting on today’s widely anticipated announcement from Glencore plc that it will not demerge its coal business, including the newly acquired Elk Valley Resources (EVR).

  21. Media release

    New research: What’s next for Woodside?

    Woodside’s peers are adding value to shareholders by increasing returns - especially through buybacks. With Woodside’s poor pre-FID portfolio it has a strong incentive to follow this trend.

  22. Media release

    Rio Tinto climate hypocrisy: ACCR to disengage following revelation of lobbying the Prime Minister on climate trigger

    ACCR is now stepping away from an agreement to support climate and decarbonisation related engagement with Rio Tinto.

  23. Media release

    Woodside thumbs its nose at majority of investors, doubles down with Driftwood LNG

    ACCR is commenting on the announcement that Woodside Energy Group Ltd is acquiring Tellurian (NYSE: TELL)

  24. Media release

    New research: Investors willing to go harder, faster on green steel

    Investors are willing to move harder and faster than companies and policymakers towards a green steel sector, and are seeking more supportive market conditions so they can lift investment.

  25. Media release

    Proposed changes to Australian mandatory disclosure liability a sensible accountability safeguard

    ACCR is commenting on proposed amendments to the Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Bill 2024, which currently sits before the Australian Senate.

  26. Media release

    Nippon Steel: shareholders deliver Japan’s largest ever vote in support of climate lobbying resolution

    Investors in the world’s fourth largest steelmaker have shown significant support for three climate-related shareholder proposals.t the annual general meeting (AGM) in Tokyo.

  27. Media release

    Shareholders vote for improved climate strategy at Nippon Steel’s AGM

    Investors in Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC) have shown support for three shareholder proposals at the annual general meeting (AGM) in Tokyo.

  28. Media release

    Investors still in the dark on Glencore’s transition risk

    ACCR is commenting on the results of Glencore plc’s 2024 Annual General Meeting.

  29. Media release

    Shell faces scrutiny for weakened climate plan

    Under the UK Corporate Governance Code, Shell will again have to consult with its shareholders, given the above 20% formal ‘against’ vote on its Energy Transition Strategy.

  30. Shareholder Resolution

    Shareholder proposals to Nippon Steel Corporation on climate targets, executive compensation and climate lobbying

    ACCR has co-filed three shareholder proposals to Nippon Steel Corporation on climate targets, linking executive compensation to emissions reduction targets and enhancing climate lobbying disclosures.

  31. Media release

    Global asset managers back shareholder proposals urging Nippon Steel to lead on steel decarbonisation and climate lobbying

    ACCR, alongside Corporate Action Japan (CAJ) and Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM), have today announced the co-filing of a set of three shareholder proposals to Nippon Steel Corporation.

  32. Media release

    J-POWER responds to shareholder pressure: five coal-power units to close by 2030

    J-POWER has committed to closing five coal power generation units within domestic coal plants by FY 2030.

  33. Media release

    Equinor AGM: voting non-state shareholders revolt as 32% support climate proposal

    ACCR is responding to the results of the Equinor ASA Annual General Meeting (AGM).

  34. Media release

    Status quo inconceivable: majority of investors reject Woodside’s climate strategy

    ACCR is commenting on the results of the Woodside Energy Group (WDS) Annual General Meeting (AGM).

  35. Media release

    Shareholder resolution can help steer Equinor towards Paris

    ACCR is responding to the announcement of a shareholder resolution filed at Equinor ASA by a group of institutional investors led by Sarasin and Partners LLP (Sarasin).

  36. Media release

    Shell commits to shedding light on emerging market lobbying

    Shell plc will disclose information about its climate and energy lobbying in “5-10 emerging and developing markets that are significant for our strategy, before our 2025 AGM.”

  37. Media release

    Santos board granted another year to resuscitate share price

    ACCR is commenting on the results of 2024 Santos Ltd Annual General Meeting (AGM).

  38. Media release

    New research: moving out of international waters sets Equinor on path towards Paris

    ACCR research shows that Equinor has a huge opportunity to make material steps towards Paris alignment in a way that makes commercial sense for shareholders.

  39. Media release

    Proxy adviser calls time on Woodside Chair, Richard Goyder

    ACCR is commenting on media reports that proxy adviser CGI Glass Lewis has recommended against the re-election of Woodside Chair, Richard Goyder.

  40. Media release

    Coal miner Glencore defies investors - places reckless bet against the energy transition

    ACCR is commenting on the release of Glencore plc’s Climate Action Transition Plan.

  41. Media release

    Setting a new standard: Rio Tinto commits to improved disclosure of plans to rein in emissions from iron ore processing

    Following engagement with ACCR and other investors, Rio Tinto has committed to significantly enhancing its disclosures prior to the 2025 AGM.

  42. Media release

    No change at Woodside: Chair Richard Goyder rebuffs investor push for board up-skill

    ACCR is commenting on the release of Woodside Energy Group’s notice of meeting, ahead of the company’s 2024 annual general meeting (AGM).

  43. Media release

    “Short-sighted”: Shell stalls again on climate

    ACCR is responding to the publication today of Shell’s 2024 Energy Transition Strategy.

  44. Media release

    New research: Santos shareholders better off with capital return strategy

    ACCR research finds a capital return strategy - share buybacks - offers higher value than delivering the portfolio of selected unsanctioned projects, with lower risk and fewer emissions.

  45. Media release

    New research: time for steel to shed its coal problem

    ACCR research finds that across every stage of the value chain, companies are taking advantage of advancements in technology to enable less carbon intensive steelmaking.

  46. Media release

    New research: Shell’s climate lobbying disclosures leave investors in the dark

    ACCR published research highlighting how Shell plc is failing to disclose to investors its climate lobbying in emerging markets.

  47. Media release

    Systemic failings on climate governance: ACCR files members’ statement against re-election of Woodside Chair, Richard Goyder

    ACCR has filed a members' statement with Woodside Energy Group (ASX:WDS) against the re-election of Richard Goyder.

  48. Shareholder Resolution

    Members’ statement for resolution relating to the re-election of Richard Goyder

    ACCR has filed a members' statement with Woodside Energy Group (ASX:WDS) against the re-election of Richard Goyder.

  49. Media release

    New tone, same climate plan: spotlight must be on Woodside chair

    ACCR is commenting on the release today of Woodside Energy Group’s annual results and 2023 Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP).

  50. Media release

    Santos dividend no fix for share price woes

    ACCR is commenting on the release today of Santos Ltd’s annual results for 2023.

  51. Shareholder Resolution

    Members’ statement for resolution relating to the re-election of Keith Spence

    ACCR has filed a members' statement with Santos Ltd (ASX:STO) against the re-election of Keith Spence.

  52. Media release

    Leadership hits the wall: ACCR files members’ statement against re-election of Santos’ Chair

    ACCR has filed a members’ statement against the re-election of Santos Ltd Chair, Keith Spence, at the company’s upcoming annual general meeting.

  53. Media release

    Santos Woodside merger dead: time for new vision

    ACCR is commenting on announcements to the ASX from Woodside Energy Group and Santos Ltd that discussions regarding a potential merger have ceased.

  54. Media release

    Santos finally comes clean on Barossa guidance

    ACCR is commenting on the release today of Santos Ltd’s fourth quarter report, for the period ending December 31 2023.

  55. Media release

    Federal Court ruling on Barossa pipeline gets Santos out of hot water - for now

    ACCR is commenting on the Federal Court decision in Munkara vs Santos, in relation to the legal challenge by Tiwi Traditional Owners to Santos’ approval to lay its Barossa gas export pipeline.

  56. Media release

    Incentives boost green steel in Japan

    Incentives which support the transition to electric arc furnaces are timely. The Japanese government clearly sees the opportunity for accelerating the transition of a nation-critical industry.

  57. Media release

    Woodside and Santos merger discussions: Time for cool heads in the face of hurdles and complexity

    Whilst the confirmation of early stage discussions between Woodside and Santos has seen an explosion of commentary and speculation, it is important that cool heads prevail and to acknowledge that there are significant headwinds against a deal.

  58. Media release

    New research: Australia’s “golden era” of gas a dud for shareholders

    The failure of the Australian LNG industry to deliver shareholder value requires scrutiny from investors as the industry seeks to progress new projects.

  59. Media release

    Santos Investor Day briefing - the rinse and repeat is becoming farcical

    ACCR is commenting on Santos Ltd’s 2023 Investor Day, held in Sydney today.

  60. Media release

    Woodside: all spin, no substance on climate

    Woodside (ASX:WDS) is a company that doesn’t listen, led by a board that lacks the agility and skill-set to properly confront the risks and opportunities of the energy transition.

  61. Media release

    Qantas AGM: Another shareholder rebuke for Goyder-led board

    The parallels between today’s vote at Qantas and the Goyder-led Woodside AGM earlier this year are impossible to ignore.

  62. Media release

    Santos Q3 2023 report raises important questions

    ACCR is commenting on the release of Santos Ltd’s third quarter report

  63. Media release

    Once again, BHP plays pass the parcel on emissions

    ACCR is commenting on BHP’s announcement that Whitehaven Coal will acquire its two Queensland coal mines, Daunia and Blackwater

  64. Media release

    New report: Australian companies lag behind their US counterparts on transparency and governance of political expenditure

    New ACCR research found significant gaps between what companies commit to on the topic of climate lobbying, and what governance and disclosure they implement

  65. Media release

    Government and investors face decommissioning ticking time bomb

    ACCR warned that tighter regulation of oil and gas decommissioning was long overdue, after federal Resources Minister Madeleine King announced an issues paper on decommissioning

  66. Media release

    APPEA rebrand confirms spin is all fossil fuels have left

    ACCR is commenting on the Australasian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association’s announced name change and associated rebrand to become Australian Energy Producers.

  67. Media release

    Trion approval more a millstone than a milestone

    ACCR is commenting on Woodside Energy Group’s (ASX:WDS) announcement that the Trion deepwater project in the Gulf of Mexico has received regulatory approval from the Mexican regulator

  68. Media release

    Woodside’s sugar hit over, time to face reality

    ACCR is commenting on Woodside Energy Group’s (ASX:WDS) 1H 2023 results announced today.

  69. Media release

    Woodside’s next “wave of growth” creates barely a ripple for shareholders

    Woodside's (ASX:WDS) portfolio of unsanctioned oil and gas projects does not appear to be a material source of value for shareholders.

  70. Media release

    J-POWER faces second consecutive year of shareholder dissent on climate at AGM

    J-Power investors have once again signalled a lack of confidence in the company’s current decarbonisation strategy.

  71. Media release

    Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility updates case against Santos in Federal Court

    ACCR filed a Further Amended Originating Application and Further Amended Concise Statement in its proceedings against Santos over alleged greenwashing.

  72. Media release

    Woodside board approves Mexican oil project despite constellation of risks

    ACCR is commenting on Woodside Energy Group’s (ASX: WDS) announcement that it has made a final investment decision (FID) on the Trion greenfield oil development in the Gulf of Mexico.

  73. Media release

    “Impossible for Glencore to ignore”: Coal-mining giant hit with large shareholder vote on thermal coal risk at AGM

    29.22% of Glencore shareholders voted in support of the thermal coal resolution. The result is a clear indication that institutional capital is increasingly alert to the risks of thermal coal and investors expect disclosures that enable them to navigate energy transition risks.

  74. Media release

    Investors applaud Nippon Steel, as world’s fourth largest steel company takes strides towards green steel

    A group of investors in Nippon Steel Corporation has welcomed the company’s concrete steps towards achieving its decarbonisation targets.

  75. Media release

    Global asset managers with close to US$3 trillion AUM support climate shareholder resolution filed with J-Power - flag voting ‘no’ on director

    Three major institutional investors announced their support for a shareholder resolution filed with J-Power - with each also signalling an intent to vote against the director principally responsible for its climate strategy.

  76. Shareholder Resolution

    Shareholder Resolutions to J-Power on emissions reduction targets and remuneration incentives

    ACCR has co-filed Shareholder Resolutions to J-Power to set Paris-aligned emissions reduction targets and remuneration incentives.

  77. Media release

    “Missed opportunity”: Glencore ignores major investors’ calls for transparency on thermal coal as crucial climate-vote looms

    Major institutional investors have expressed disappointment at the decision by Glencore’s board to decline the request for greater transparency.

  78. Media release

    Woodside pays for climate failings with record-breaking vote against director Ian Macfarlane

    ACCR is commenting on the results of Woodside Energy Group’s 2023 Annual General Meeting (ASX: WDS).

  79. Shareholder Resolution

    The Statement of Indicative Support for the Glencore Thermal Coal Resolution

    Statement of indicative support for investors and their representatives for the terms of the shareholder resolution to Glencore plc.

  80. Media release

    Surge in investors demanding greater transparency from Glencore on thermal coal production

    Nine institutional investors have publicly backed a shareholder resolution seeking greater transparency on Glencore’s thermal coal production.

  81. Media release

    Woodside scrambles at 11th hour to save directors’ jobs

    ACCR is commenting on Woodside Energy Group exclusively notifying some investors of an intention to provide shareholders with a non-binding advisory vote on its climate plan in 2024

  82. Media release

    “The tide is turning”: Significant vote against directors at Santos AGM

    ACCR is commenting on the results of Santos’ 2023 Annual General Meeting, where sizeable votes were recorded against all three directors facing re-election.

  83. Media release

    “Extremely welcome”: Rio Tinto commits to enhancing its advocacy for effective climate policy

    ACCR is commenting upon Rio Tinto’s commitment to enhance its approach to climate advocacy by disclosing the policy settings it needs to meet its 2030 climate target of 50% reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions.

  84. Media release

    “Time’s up”: Institutional investors call for Woodside directors to be held to account on climate strategy

    ACCR is calling on Woodside directors to be held to account for the board’s repeated failure to present a credible climate strategy.

  85. Shareholder Resolution

    Members’ statements relating to the re-election of directors to the Woodside Energy board

    A coalition have co-filed members’ statements with Woodside Energy Group (ASX:WDS), calling on directors to be held to account for the board’s repeated failure to present a credible climate strategy.

  86. Media release

    Woodside board appointments reinforce investor concerns on climate strategy

    ACCR is commenting on the announced changes to Woodside’s board of directors

  87. Media release

    New analysis: risky rate of return for Woodside Mexican oil project

    The ACCR has today released new analysis on Woodside’s Trion project - a greenfield deep-water oil development in the Gulf of Mexico.

  88. Media release

    “Poor corporate governance”: Woodside ignores investor concerns on its climate strategy

    The ACCR is commenting on Woodside’s 2022 Climate Report released today. This report follows the dismal Say on Climate vote at Woodside’s AGM last year, where 49% of Woodside shareholders voted against the company’s 2021 Climate Report.

  89. Media release

    Santos’ CEO growth bonus remains in place as board faces potential second strike

    ACCR is commenting on the release of Santos’ 2022 Annual Report, including its remuneration report. The company faces a ‘second strike’.

  90. Media release

    New research raises doubts about Paris-alignment of mining giant Glencore - increasing pressure as the company faces a shareholder resolution on thermal coal.

    ACCR released research showing that based on current disclosures by Glencore and its stated strategy, the company’s forecast cumulative emissions from coal production do not appear to be Paris-aligned.

  91. Media release

    “Culture of avoiding accountability”: Whistleblower debunks Santos’ claim oil spill didn’t kill dolphins

    ACCR is commenting commenting on the statement and photos from a Santos whistleblower claiming that an oil spill from the Varunus Island Gas Plant appears to have resulted in the death of dolphins.

  92. Media release

    Santos progresses marginal fossil fuel project under guise of energy security, CEO’s pay packet the only clear winner

    ACCR is commenting on Santos’ announcement about the progress of regulatory approvals for its Dorado oil project.

  93. Media release

    Government ignores the billion tonne elephant in the room with its Safeguard Mechanism updates

    ACCR is commenting on on the release of proposed changes to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Safeguard Mechanism) Rule.

  94. Media release

    Global investors unite on first ever shareholder resolution targeting Glencore’s coal production

    ACCR is commenting on the first time investors have filed a climate resolution specifically focusing on Glencore’s thermal coal production.

  95. Shareholder Resolution

    Shareholder Resolution to Glencore PLC on thermal coal production

    A global coalition has filed a Shareholder Resolution to Glencore PLC (LON:GLEN) seeking greater insights into the specific plan to align thermal coal production.

  96. Media release

    APPEA and members need to read the room

    ACCR responding to comments made today by APPEA Chair, Woodside CEO and ex-Exxon executive Meg O’Neill on ABC Radio National Breakfast.

  97. Media release

    Glencore acknowledges folly of coal expansion - cancels massive proposed greenfield coal mine in Australia

    ACCR  is commenting on Glencore withdrawing applications for approval for its Valeria greenfield coal mine.

  98. Media release

    Groundhog Day: Woodside stuck in denial of the energy transition

    ACCR is commenting on Woodside’s Investor Briefing Day 2022 in which the company announced no changes to its climate transition plan.

  99. Media release

    BHP and Rio Tinto-funded advocacy continues to subvert democracy

    ACCR is commenting on the Minerals Council of Australia’s recent threat to fund an anti-Labor advertising.

  100. Media release

    AGL shareholders make history by renewing board with climate competence and ambition

    ACCR is commenting on the results of the AGL Energy (ASX: AGL) 2022 Annual General Meeting, where the four directors nominated by Grok Ventures received majority support and will join the company board.

  101. Media release

    BHP no longer leading and not even following on climate

    ACCR is commenting on the results of the 2022 BHP Annual General Meeting, where our shareholder resolutions on positive advocacy and climate accounting received 12.73% and 18.67% support respectively.

  102. Media release

    Proxy advisers reinforce AGL chair concerns

    ACCR is commenting on the published details of the Glass Lewis and ISS proxy advice regarding AGL Energy (ASX: AGL).

  103. Media release

    IEA destroys energy security argument for new fossil fuels

    The IEA has made it clear that the tragedy of the Ukraine war is a temporary sugar rush for fossil fuel companies.

  104. Media release

    Heritage preserved: Glencore’s coal mine refused

    ACCR is commenting on the decision made today to refuse Glencore’s Glendell coal mine proposal due to heritage impacts.

  105. Media release

    AGL climate plan falls short of Paris, McKenzie not the Chair to deliver

    ACCR will vote against AGL Energy’s (ASX: AGL) climate plan at the company's upcoming AGM, on November 15, 2022. ACCR will also be voting against the re-election of AGL Chair, Ms Patricia McKenzie.

  106. Media release

    Origin’s shift away from gas expansion celebrated by investors with 94% support for climate plan

    ACCR is commenting on the results of Origin Energy’s 2022 AGM (ASX: ORG), including the company’s Say on Climate vote.

  107. Media release

    BHP ‘delusional’, seeks coal mine extension to 2116

    BHP's (ASX: BHP) move to extend the Peak Downs coal mine for 93 years to 2116 is delusional.

  108. Media release

    AGL finally reads the room, brings forward Loy Yang closure by 10 years

    ACCR is commenting on AGL Energy’s (ASX: AGL) announced Strategic Review and Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP) including the closure of the Loy Yang A power station.

  109. Media release

    Origin concedes to investor pressure, will include climate sensitivity in financial statements

    ACCR is withdrawing its shareholder resolution calling for Origin Energy (ASX: ORG) to include a 1.5°C climate change sensitivity analysis in its 2023 financial statements, after Origin agreed to deliver this information.

  110. Media release

    Safeguard mechanism with teeth needed

    ACCR is commenting on its submission to the Safeguard Mechanism reform.

  111. Media release

    Beetaloo divestment will not reduce emissions

    ACCR is commenting on Origin’s (ASX: ORG) recent announcement that it will divest 100% of its interest in the Beetaloo Basin to Tamboran (ASX:TBN).

  112. Media release

    AGL: Botton, Smith-Gander and Hunt exit brings scope for fresh strategy

    ACCR is commenting on AGL Energy’s (ASX: AGL) announcement that Peter Botten and Diane Smith-Gander are exiting the AGL board immediately.

  113. Media release

    Woodside blindly progresses Browse despite all advice to the contrary

    Woodside's (ASX:WDS) updated environmental approvals still fail to seriously consider Browse’s emissions.

  114. Media release

    It’s showtime: HESTA not giving up on 1.5°C, holding fossil fuels to account

    HESTA will be holding AGL Energy, Origin Energy, Woodside Energy and Santos to account over the gaps between their strategies and a 1.5C pathway.

  115. Media release

    Woodside uses war profits to double down on gas over transition

    With Woodside (ASX:WDS) continuing to ignore investor demands, it’s time for investors to appoint climate competent directors.

  116. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to BHP Group Ltd on climate advocacy, accounting and audit

    ACCR has filed Shareholder Resolutions to BHP Group Ltd (ASX: BHP) on climate policy advocacy and the inclusion of climate sensitivity analysis in financial statements.

  117. Media release

    ACCR calls on BHP to lead on climate advocacy, reflect climate risk in financial statements

    BHP is Australia’s largest company (ASX: BHP) with huge political influence and a massive opportunity to align business interests and policy with a safe climate.

  118. Media release

    Origin’s climate cognitive dissonance: failure to factor in emissions from much hyped new gas basins

    ACCR is commenting on a newly released Climate and Transition Plan issued by Origin Energy (ASX:ORG).

  119. Media release

    Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility expands landmark Federal Court case against Santos

    ACCR has now filed to expand its case to include alleged greenwashing in Santos’ 2020 Investor Day Briefing and 2021 Climate Change Report.

  120. Media release

    Welcome news: South32 walks away from Dendrobium expansion

    ACCR is commenting on South32’s announcement that it will not proceed with the Dendrobium metallurgical coal mine in the Illawarra.

  121. Media release

    Questions must be asked about delayed AGL board renewal and CEO appointment

    ACCR is commenting on AGL’s annual results (ASX:AGL) which were at the low end of previous guidance for the year ended 30 June 2022.

  122. Media release

    Safeguard Mechanism consultation will be feeding frenzy for industry lobby

    ACCR is commenting on the commencement of Federal Government consultation on the Safeguard Mechanism.

  123. Media release

    Climate in Origin’s financial statements: Closer but no cigar

    ACCR is commenting on Origin Energy’s Full Year Results (ASX:ORG), in which it reported a 30% increase in underlying profit.

  124. Media release

    Origin’s industry association review ignores glaring misalignment with Paris Agreement by fossil fuel pushers

    ACCR is commenting on a newly released Review of Industry Associations by Origin Energy (ASX:ORG).

  125. Media release

    BHP’s coal business cashes in despite its climate claims

    ACCR is commenting on BHP’s results for the year ended 30 June 2022. Climate leaders don’t develop new coal mines.

  126. Media release

    Origin’s climate risk is material, must be in financial statements

    ACCR has filed a shareholder resolution with Origin Energy (ASX:ORG), seeking that the company include a climate sensitivity analysis in its audited financial statements.

  127. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to Origin Energy Ltd on climate sensitivity analysis

    ACCR has filed Shareholder Resolutions to Origin Energy Ltd (ASX:ORG) on climate sensitivity analysis in its audited financial statements

  128. Media release

    Divestment a cop out - no evidence that divestment decreases emissions

    Climate-aware institutional investors considering divesting should be thinking very hard about what power they are giving up.

  129. Media release

    Origin a winner and loser in energy crisis

    Just like its local and global peers, Origin’s LNG business has benefited significantly from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

  130. Media release

    ACCR appeals Woodside’s carbon bomb

    In the face of escalating climate threats, the WA EPA has buried its head in the sand and recommended that Woodside (ASX:WDS) be licensed to unlock this carbon bomb out to 2070.

  131. Media release

    Woodside’s BHP merger drives further war profiteering

    Questions need to be asked about the capacity of a company like Woodside (ASX:WDS) to transition.

  132. Media release

    Glencore knew of coal’s “gaseous nature” - action required on methane pollution

    Methane measurement technology is improving all the time, and coal miners like Glencore cannot continue to bat off the unwanted attention on Scope 1 emissions.

  133. Media release

    Strong call by J-Power shareholders to strengthen decarbonisation strategy

    First institutional investor group-led climate shareholder proposals filed in Japan receive strong investor support

  134. Media release

    BHP finally listens to investors and commits to wind down Australia’s biggest thermal coal mine

    ACCR is commenting on BHP abandoning its pursuit of the Mt Arthur thermal coal mine extension to 2045 and its plans to divest the mine.

  135. Media release

    Glencore must step up after shareholder dissent to Climate Progress Report

    ACCR has released a letter to Glencore with five recommendations that would go towards addressing shareholder's climate plan concerns.

  136. Media release

    ACCR Supports Calls for National Cultural Heritage Protection Standards

    ACCR has rebutted the Western Australian Minister for Aboriginal Affairs’ claim that the State’s new heritage protection laws are “gold standard”, and has supported calls for national cultural heritage protection standards.

  137. Media release

    AGL Energy bloodbath was years in the making

    ACCR is commenting on AGL Energy’s (ASX:AGL) withdrawal of its demerger proposal, and the departure of four directors from the board.

  138. Media release

    JFE Holdings Shareholders Welcome Company’s New Climate Commitments

    Man Group, Storebrand and ACCR welcome the announcement of enhanced climate commitments by JFE Holdings (“JFE”), one of Japan’s leading steelmakers.

  139. Media release

    Woodside walloped on climate as it doubles down on fossil fuels with approved merger

    At 48.97% against, Woodside has surpassed Santos (36.93% against) as the company with the lowest level of shareholder support for a transition plan since the inception of the Say on Climate mechanism.

  140. Briefing note

    ACCR questions for Ernst and Young as the auditor of the Woodside Petroleum Limited’s 2021 financial statements

    As Woodside Petroleum Limited’s (ASX:WPL) auditor, Ernst and Young has a duty to ensure WPL’s financial statements are true and fair.

  141. Media release

    First institutional investor group-led climate shareholder proposals filed in Japan

    US$3 trillion investor group encourages J-Power to scale up climate commitments

  142. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to J-Power on emissions reduction targets and disclosures

    ACCR has filed Shareholder Resolutions to J-Power to set credible emissions reduction targets and disclose plans to achieve them.

  143. Media release

    AGL ignores majority of shareholders, fails to set Paris-aligned targets

    ACCR is commenting on the demerger scheme booklet published by AGL Energy (ASX:AGL).

  144. Media release

    Rio Tinto under pressure over QMM debacle and climate

    ACCR is commenting on on the Rio Tinto AGM where questions were raised about issues at its QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) minerals sands mine in Madagascar and its approach to climate change.

  145. Media release

    Santos shareholders revolt on climate, rubber-stamp lobbying

    ACCR is commenting on the results of the Santos (ASX:STO) annual general meeting.

  146. Media release

    Glencore shareholders deliver rebuke to board over coal plans

    ACCR is commenting on the results of the Glencore annual general meeting (AGM), held yesterday in Zug, Switzerland.

  147. Media release

    New ACCR analysis: investors rubber stamping weak climate plans

    ACCR has published new analysis of the voting records of Australia’s largest super funds and the world’s largest investment managers on ‘Say on climate’ resolutions in 2021.

  148. Media release

    New research: ‘Damning’ - Glencore’s emissions baseline understated by at least 24%

    ACCR has published new analysis of the impact of underreported methane emissions on Glencore’s operational emissions footprint.

  149. Media release

    Finally, Rio Tinto exits the Queensland Resources Council

    ACCR is commenting on Rio Tinto’s exit from the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) as triggered by ACCR’s shareholder resolution.

  150. Media release

    Rio Tinto’s decision on Queensland Alumina welcome; Origin Energy still to act

    ACCR is welcoming Rio Tinto’s decision to take on the capacity and governance of Queensland Alumina.

  151. Media release

    IPCC: lobbying by vested interests is the problem

    ACCR is commenting on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III, Sixth Assessment Report.

  152. Media release

    Climate Action 100 benchmark: too much carrot, not enough stick for the biggest polluters

    ACCR is commenting on the Climate Action 100+ Net Zero Company Benchmark.

  153. Media release

    Cognitive dissonance: Glencore’s coal expansion plans are not ‘responsible’

    ACCR is calling on Glencore shareholders to oppose Glencore’s second ‘Say on Climate’ (vote on progress), and the re-election of Peter Coates.

  154. Media release

    AEMO confirms need to get off gas

    ACCR is commenting on AEMO’s Gas Statement of Opportunities 2022.

  155. Media release

    Santos confirms gas-fired recovery is all about exports

    ACCR is responding to remarks from Santos’ Strategic Adviser External Affairs, Tracey Winters, at the Senate inquiry into oil and gas exploration and production in the Beetaloo Basin.

  156. Media release

    Origin Energy & Rio Tinto must act on sanctions

    ACCR is calling on Origin Energy (ASX:ORG) and Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) to take immediate action to quarantine the interests of both Oleg Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg in their respective joint ventures.

  157. Media release

    Origin Energy & Rio Tinto must take immediate action on Deripaska and Vekselberg interests

    ACCR welcomes the Federal government’s decision to sanction Russian oligarchs Oleg Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg.

  158. Media release

    Origin Energy must act on Vekselberg before sanctions

    ACCR is calling on Origin Energy (ASX:ORG) to suspend its relationship with Falcon Oil & Gas until such time as Viktor Vekselberg’s interest in the company is quarantined.

  159. Media release

    Rio finally breaks ranks with WA Chamber of Minerals and Energy

    ACCR welcomes Rio Tinto breaking ranks with the WA Chamber of Minerals and Energy by throwing its support behind the Commonwealth cultural heritage protection law reform process.

  160. Media release

    Rio Tinto and Worley’s exits from Russia welcomed

    ACCR is welcoming the announcements by Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) and Worley (ASX:WOR) today, confirming their severing of ties with Russia.

  161. Media release

    Origin Energy’s Science Based Target to be revoked over climate wrecking gas basins

    ACCR is commenting on Origin Energy’s (ASX:ORG) strategy refresh.

  162. Media release

    AGL Energy board gambling with other people’s money

    ACCR is commenting on the decision by the AGL Energy (ASX:AGL) board to reject a second bid from the Brookfield consortium of $8.25.

  163. Media release

    AGL Energy directors lack skin in the game

    ACCR is challenging AGL Energy (ASX:AGL) directors’ claims that the takeover bid by the Brookfield consortium does not represent fair value for shareholders.

  164. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to Rio Tinto Limited on climate-related lobbying

    The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) has withdrawn the shareholder resolution asking Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) to suspend membership of industry associations that continue to advocate for the development of new and expanded coal mines.

  165. Media release

    Window dressing: Origin must suspend JV with Falcon

    ACCR is calling on Origin Energy to suspend its joint venture with Falcon Oil & Gas in the Beetaloo Basin.

  166. Media release

    IPCC report: fossil fuels are “choking humanity”

    ACCR is responding to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.

  167. Media release

    Australian companies must urgently review ties with Russian oligarchs

    ACCR is calling on Australian companies to immediately review their relationships with companies linked to the oligarchs aligned with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  168. Media release

    Rio Tinto board fails to deliver on 2021 lobbying commitment

    ACCR is commenting on Rio Tinto’s (ASX:RIO) Industry Association Disclosure.

  169. Media release

    AGL takeover bid unlikely to be the last

    ACCR is commenting on the board of AGL Energy’s (ASX:AGL) decision to reject an unsolicited, non-binding takeover bid from a consortium of investors led by Brookfield Asset Management.

  170. Media release

    Woodside’s Scope 3 plan is a joke

    ACCR is commenting on Woodside Petroleum’s (ASX:WPL) 2021 Climate Report, including its plan for Scope 3 emissions.

  171. Media release

    Origin shows AGL how it’s done, must now address gas

    ACCR is commenting on Origin Energy’s (ASX:ORG) decision to bring forward the closure date of its Eraring coal-fired power station to 2025.

  172. Media release

    Solution to shortfall is getting off gas

    ACCR is commenting on forecasts from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) that suggest there is a risk of a shortfall of gas in the east coast gas market from 2026.

  173. Media release

    Not cheaper, not clean and not displacing coal: new ACCR report debunks gas industry spin

    The ‘Facts over fiction: debunking gas industry spin’ report findings are in direct contrast to the Australian LNG industry’s spurious claims that gas has a role to play in the transition to a low carbon economy.

  174. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to Woodside Petroleum Ltd on climate-related lobbying & decommissioning

    The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) has filed shareholder resolutions asking Woodside (ASX:WPL) to cease advocacy of its industry associations and disclose decommissioning liabilities.

  175. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to Santos Ltd on climate-related lobbying & decommissioning

    The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) has filed shareholder resolutions asking Santos (ASX:STO) to cease advocacy of its industry associations and disclose decommissioning liabilities.

  176. Media release

    ACCR demands more transparency on decommissioning, calls for an end to pro-oil & gas lobbying

    ACCR has filed shareholder resolutions with Santos Limited (ASX:STO) and Woodside Petroleum Ltd (ASX:WPL), calling on both companies to improve their disclosures on decommissioning liabilities, and to cease direct and indirect advocacy for oil and gas expansion.

  177. Media release

    ACCR demands more transparency on decommissioning, calls for an end to pro-oil & gas lobbying

    ACCR has filed shareholder resolutions with Santos Limited (ASX:STO) and Woodside Petroleum Ltd (ASX:WPL), calling on both companies to improve their disclosures on decommissioning liabilities, and to cease direct and indirect advocacy for oil and gas expansion.

  178. Media release

    AGL ignoring shareholders, still failing on climate

    ACCR is commenting on AGL Energy’s changes to the closure dates of its coal-fired power stations, announced today.

  179. Media release

    Rio harassment report: disturbing findings, transparency welcome

    ACCR welcomes the publication of the Report into Workplace Culture at Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) conducted by former Australian sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick.

  180. Media release

    ACCR welcomes Woodside withdrawal from Myanmar

    ACCR welcomes the withdrawal of Woodside (ASX:WPL) from Myanmar which was announced by the company today.

  181. Media release

    Incitec Pivot shareholders revolt on climate

    ACCR generates 43.71% support for its shareholder resolution at ASX-listed explosives and fertiliser manufacturer Incitec Pivot Ltd (ASX:IPL).

  182. Media release

    Dendrobium decision reeks of state capture

    ACCR is commenting on the decision by the NSW government to deem South32’s (ASX:S32) Dendrobium coal mine expansion “State Significant Infrastructure”.

  183. Media release

    Woodside’s debt dressed up as equity in climate-wrecking project

    ACCR commenting on Woodside Petroleum’s (ASX:WPL) announcement that it has reached a final investment decision (FID) on Scarborough and Pluto Train 2 developments.

  184. Media release

    Woodside ignores COP26, accelerates emissions growth

    ACCR commenting on Woodside Petroleum’s (ASX:WPL) sale of a 49% share in Pluto Train 2 Joint Venture to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP).

  185. Media release

    BHP climate plan a greenwash

    This vote suggests institutional investors are easily cowed by big companies like BHP and they’re unwilling to force them to adhere to the Paris Agreement.

  186. Media release

    FMG AGM: Support WA Aboriginals’ calls to pause current ACH Bill

    FMG appears to support better heritage protection standards in theory, but not in practice.

  187. Media release

    BHP offloads coal assets to a climate laggard

    ACCR is commenting on BHP’s divestment of 80% interest in BHP Mitsui Coal (BMC) to Stanmore SMC Holdings Pty Ltd.

  188. Media release

    Investors must rein in APPEA’s tobacco-inspired ad campaign

    This insidious APPEA advertising campaign, a week ahead of COP26, is a classic example of climate action delay tactics from the fossil fuel lobby, inspired by the tobacco industry.

  189. Media release

    Rio Tinto shows BHP how it’s done

    ACCR comment on Rio Tinto’s (ASX:RIO) newly announced emissions reduction targets and strategy.

  190. Media release

    Origin Energy cops shareholder heat on gas

    ACCR comment on the voting results on its two shareholder resolutions at the AGM of Origin Energy (ASX:ORG).

  191. Media release

    Juukan Gorge Caves Inquiry - time for best practice cultural heritage laws

    ACCR welcomes the final report of the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Destruction of the Juukan Gorge Caves by Rio Tinto Ltd in May 2020.

  192. Media release

    BHP shareholders support coal mining beyond 2050

    Despite its claims of climate leadership, BHP’s climate plan isn’t even close to what is required to prevent runaway climate change.

  193. Media release

    Incitec Pivot must set Paris-aligned targets

    ACCR has filed a shareholder resolution with ASX-listed explosives and fertiliser manufacturer Incitec Pivot Ltd (ASX:IPL), calling on the company to set emissions reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement.

  194. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to Incitec Pivot Ltd on Paris-aligned targets

    ACCR has filed a Shareholder Resolution to Incitec Pivot Ltd (ASX: IPL) on Paris-aligned targets

  195. Media release

    Fortescue embarrasses BHP and Rio Tinto on steelmaking targets

    ACCR welcomes Fortescue Metals Group’s (ASX:FMG) announcement that it has set a target to reach net zero Scope 3 emissions by 2040, which incorporates emissions from steelmaking.

  196. Media release

    ACCR launches Global Climate Insights

    ACCR will be offering in-depth company-level climate analysis of internationally listed companies, via a new research group called Global Climate Insights (GCI).

  197. Media release

    South32 puts industry associations on notice over climate

    The board of South32 (ASX:S32) will support ACCR’s shareholder resolution, which seeks to ensure the advocacy of its industry associations is consistent with the Paris Agreement.

  198. Media release

    Majority of AGL shareholders demand alignment with the Paris Agreement

    Comment on the results of AGL Energy’s (ASX:AGL) annual general meeting, at which ACCR’s shareholder resolution calling for Paris-aligned targets was supported by 52.56% of shareholders.

  199. Media release

    APPEA apology to ACCR

    ACCR accepts as sincere the apology of APPEA and its CEO Andrew McConville. We trust that APPEA and Mr McConville will observe the usual courtesies of public debate in our future dealings.

  200. Media release

    BHP must end support for fossil fuel expansion

    ACCR welcomes BHP’s support for the shareholder resolution on climate-related lobbying. BHP must use its unique position of leadership to push for more ambitious emissions reductions before 2030.

  201. Media release

    Santos and Oil Search merger compounds stranded asset risk

    The vast majority of planned Santos and Oil Search projects are inconsistent with a safe climate and are vulnerable to asset stranding in the face of escalating global decarbonisation efforts.

  202. Briefing note

    Investor briefing: Shareholder Resolutions to Origin Energy Ltd on climate-related lobbying and Paris-aligned capital expenditure.

    Supporting brief to our shareholder resolutions to Origin Energy Ltd on climate-related lobbying and Paris-aligned capital expenditure.

  203. Briefing note

    Investor briefing: Shareholder Resolution to BHP Group Ltd/Plc on climate-related lobbying

    Supporting brief to our Shareholder Resolution to BHP Group Ltd/Plc on lobbying related to climate and energy policy.

  204. Media release

    Carbon lobby continues to dominate Australia’s climate debate

    The carbon lobby - dominated by coal, oil and gas companies - are detrimentally effective in shaping Australia’s climate and energy policy. Their influence has not waned.

  205. Media release

    Big super funds missing in action on ESG votes

    Despite a growing number of super funds claiming to incorporate ESG into their investment processes, the majority of super funds are still failing to support ESG proposals.

  206. Media release

    FMG resolution: support WA Aboriginals’ calls to pause current ACH Bill

    FMG investors simply can’t stand by and watch another Juukan Gorge disaster unfold. The moral dimension is obvious.

  207. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to Fortescue Metals Group on Australian cultural heritage protection law.

    ACCR has filed a Shareholder Resolution to Fortescue Metals Group Limited (ASX: FMG) on Australian cultural heritage protection law.

  208. Media release

    ASX 100: Labour falling through the cracks

    Australian listed companies continue to remain opaque about their labour hire, contracting and outsourcing practices.

  209. Media release

    Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility files landmark case against Santos in Federal Court

    Acting on behalf of ACCR, lawyers from the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) will claim that Santos is engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct in potential contravention of both corporate and consumer law.

  210. Media release

    South32 must end pro-coal lobbying to align with its own targets

    ACCR has filed a Shareholder Resolution to South32 Ltd (ASX: S32) calling on the company to ensure the advocacy of its industry associations is consistent with the Paris Agreement.

  211. Briefing note

    Investor briefing: Shareholder Resolution to AGL Energy Ltd on Paris-aligned goals and targets.

    Supporting brief to our Shareholder Resolution to AGL Energy Ltd on Paris-aligned goals and targets.

  212. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to South32 Ltd on climate-related lobbying.

    ACCR has filed a Shareholder Resolution to South32 Ltd (ASX: S32) on industry association memberships and climate-related lobbying.

  213. Media release

    Origin must align lobbying and capex with Paris Agreement

    ACCR has filed two shareholder resolutions with Origin Energy Ltd (ASX:ORG) on climate-related lobbying and capital expenditure.

  214. Media release

    BHP-Woodside merger a disaster for shareholders and climate

    Commenting on the sale of BHP’s Petroleum division (ASX:BHP) to Woodside Petroleum (ASX:WPL).

  215. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to Origin Energy Ltd on climate-related lobbying and Paris-aligned capital expenditure.

    ACCR has filed Shareholder Resolutions to Origin Energy Ltd on climate-related lobbying and Paris-aligned capital expenditure.

  216. Media release

    AGL says it won’t adhere to Paris Agreement

    Unfortunately for AGL shareholders, the market will take care of replacing that capacity, which will make AGL’s coal-fired power stations unprofitable and destroy even more shareholder value.

  217. Media release

    Tomago going green is the nail in the coffin for AGL’s Bayswater

    Tomago aluminium smelter will switch to predominantly renewable energy by 2029. It is the final nail in the coffin for AGL's Bayswater coal-fired power station.

  218. Media release

    IPCC report: wrong way, go back

    The IPCC has sent us all a blunt warning: we are on the wrong path, and we must turn back.

  219. Media release

    Origin must abandon gas exploration to be 1.5°C aligned

    Origin Energy becomes the sixth ASX-listed company to have committed to a ‘Say on Climate’.

  220. Media release

    BHP must cease lobbying efforts which are inconsistent with Paris targets

    Concerned shareholders will persist in holding BHP to account for the obstructive lobbying of its industry associations.

  221. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to BHP Group Ltd on climate-related lobbying.

    ACCR has filed a Shareholder Resolution to BHP Group Ltd (ASX: BHP) on industry association memberships and climate-related lobbying.

  222. Media release

    Santos and Oil Search merger climate vandalism of the highest order

    The Santos and Oil Search merger demonstrates that neither company is serious about taking climate action, and that their only goal is to maximise oil and gas production at a time when climate chaos is raging across the northern hemisphere.

  223. Media release

    Qantas: Unlawful Outsourcing of Ground Handling Crew

    Qantas axed its highly skilled and experienced workforce, choosing to outsource to an organisation with a poor safety record and history of labour scandals.

  224. Media release

    AGL’s Say on Climate commitment welcome, Paris-aligned targets still needed

    Despite saying that AGL couldn’t commit to Paris-aligned targets for the proposed demerged companies, as that would be a matter for the new boards, it has now made this commitment to ‘Say on Climate’.

  225. Media release

    Progress welcome in resolving Bougainville mine grievances

    The parties should be commended for their progress. It is also an encouraging sign of practical progress from Rio Tinto under its new leadership.

  226. Media release

    AGL must set Paris-aligned targets for demerged companies

    Recent meetings with members of the Board suggest AGL is not prepared to set Paris-aligned targets, despite that now being a clear expectation of emissions intensive companies.

  227. Media release

    Santos’ bid for Oil Search proves net zero target is just greenwashing

    Santos has made little mention of climate change in its merger proposal announcement, claiming it can easily shift to hydrogen-based fuels - yet shows absolutely no pathway to this claim.

  228. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to AGL Energy Ltd on Paris Goals and Targets

    ACCR has filed a Shareholder Resolution to AGL (ASX: AGL) on the disclosure of the proposed demerged companies’ Paris goals and targets.

  229. Media release

    Australian mines: Two-tier workforce threat to safety

    The explosion of a two-tier workforce on Australian mines does more than erode job security and working conditions. It fundamentally undermines safety, sometimes with fatal consequences.

  230. Media release

    Fair Work Ombudsman focus on contract cleaning spot on

    The Ombudsman’s announcement is a wake up call for property owners and their investors that exploitation remains a serious issue in the sector.

  231. Media release

    AGL demerger plans underwhelm, ignore climate concerns

    Investors continue to be frustrated by AGL’s continued denial of the need to bring forward the closure dates of its Bayswater and Loy Yang A coal-fired power stations.

  232. Media release

    Fossil industries stuck in the fossil age

    The parade of fossil fuel executives and lobbyists before the Parliamentary Inquiry today showed just how out of touch they are with financial markets, and their contempt for climate action.

  233. Media release

    Rejection of renewable energy hub another sign of a government lost on climate

    The Federal government has demonstrated that it is unwilling to support projects that would accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels.

  234. Media release

    Cosmetic Compliance Not Enough for Commercial Cleaning

    Despite all of the companies making commitments to eradicate modern slavery in their supply chain, analysis shows only cosmetic compliance.

  235. Media release

    APPEA and its members continue to block meaningful climate action

    Over the last three years, APPEA has significantly increased its spending on public communications and advertising campaigns extolling the virtues of gas, especially in the home, as the gas industry faces the threat of electrification.

  236. Media release

    Woodside claims to be reducing emissions by increasing emissions

    Woodside’s targets do not address the much larger issue of Scope 3 emissions, ignoring the demands of half of its shareholders to take responsibility for the emissions from the gas it sells.

  237. Media release

    Woodside and BHP Scarborough project conflicts with a net zero future

    The Woodside and BHP Scarborough project is at odds with the expectations of investors for companies to align their capital expenditure and decarbonisation strategies with the Paris Agreement.

  238. Media release

    Extraordinary 24 hours has massive implications for Australian oil and gas industry

    This news is nothing short of extraordinary, and it will have massive implications for the Australian oil and gas industry.

  239. Media release

    IEA signs death knell for new fossil fuel projects

    There is no need for investment in new fossil fuel supply (beyond projects already committed).

  240. Media release

    South32 sets new target, but has more to do

    “The decade to 2030 is critical, so South32 must also set ambitious short-term targets, as well as targets for its Scope 3 emissions.”

  241. Media release

    Deliveroo must provide investor certainty

    Today’s decision raises the prospect of further regulation, and calls into question the profitability of Deliveroo’s current business model.

  242. Briefing note

    Investor Brief: Worker-centric due diligence: towards effective compliance

    The only compliance initiatives that work are those that include a formal role for workers and their representatives (including trade unions) in compliance: worker-driven social responsibility (WSR) initiatives.

  243. Media release

    Fresh thinking needed at AGL

    “Spending years attempting a demerger will not absolve AGL of its responsibilities to its investors and the communities in which it operates.”

  244. Media release

    Santos’ CEO bonus at odds with Paris Agreement

    “The recently announced $6 million growth bonus for CEO Kevin Gallagher is equally at odds with any genuine commitment to transition Santos to net zero by incentivising development of the Narrabri Gas Project and completion of Barossa at all costs."

  245. Media release

    New Woodside CEO must be allowed to determine new growth strategy

    “The board has made the right decision to move Peter Coleman on, allowing the new CEO the clear air to determine a new strategy less focused on growing gas production."

  246. Media release

    Equinor first oil major to exit APPEA

    “If other members of APPEA—and their shareholders—expect to be taken seriously on climate, they should demand a stop to its advocacy for gas expansion, or exit.”

  247. Briefing note

    2021 climate plan voting guidelines

    In advance of the upcoming Say on Climate votes in April and May we are sharing our initial views of the key issues that should guide voting on climate plans for carbon intensive industries this year.

  248. Media release

    Climate Change Authority stacked with gas lobbyists

    "This is yet another example of the Morrison government cynically stacking an advisory body with fossil fuel lobbyists."

  249. Media release

    ACCR welcomes additional reporting by Scentre Group

    Scentre Group agreed to disclose their processes for identifying and mitigating risks within their cleaning supply chain. ACCR will be consulting with investors and other stakeholders on the reporting.

  250. Media release

    Fissured workplaces has Australians falling through the cracks

    The fissuring of the Australian workplace erodes job security and working conditions in the present, and negatively impacts on workers ability to achieve dignity in retirement. It is also a risk for companies, and their investors.

  251. Media release

    Santos’ Barossa project is a carbon bomb

    Institutional investors are demanding credible transition plans. Santos continues to fail on this measure.

  252. Media release

    AGL abandons responsibility on coal closure

    Following a halving in AGL’s share price over the last year, CEO Brett Redman is attempting to sell the demerger as a win for shareholders

  253. Media release

    AGL must lead the energy transition

    AGL is Australia’s largest emitter, responsible for approximately 8% of annual emissions. Its actions will have a real impact on Australia’s emissions trajectory.

  254. Media release

    Oil Search adopts ‘Say on Climate’

    We welcome the move by Oil Search (ASX:OSH) to adopt the Say on Climate initiative and provide shareholders with a non-binding vote on the company’s Climate Change Report at next year’s AGM.

  255. Media release

    Largest Australian companies failing on climate

    “The lack of progress from Australian companies is clear for all to see. Investors must now be prepared to take unprecedented action."

  256. Media release

    Emissions are down with Coles’ new targets

    “Coles’ previous emissions targets were underwhelming to say the least, but it has really delivered with this set of commitments."

  257. Media release

    Woodside adopts ‘Say on Climate’

    We welcome the move by Woodside Petroleum (ASX:WPL) to adopt the Say on Climate initiative and provide shareholders with a non-binding vote on the company’s Climate Change Report at next year’s AGM.

  258. Media release

    Rio Tinto board delivers final warning to climate blockers

    “For the first time, the board of an Australian company has supported a shareholder resolution. Rio Tinto should be commended for this."

  259. Media release

    Oil Search urged to adopt ‘Say on Climate’ as momentum builds

    “Oil Search’s only climate target relates to emissions intensity. It has no plan to reduce emissions over the short-, medium- or long-term.".

  260. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to Oil Search Ltd to adopt Say on Climate reporting

    ACCR has filed a Shareholder Resolution to Oil Search Ltd asking for an annual vote on the adoption of a Climate Report consistent with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Climate Action 100+ Net-Zero Company Benchmark as developed by institutional investors.

  261. Media release

    Santos adopts ‘Say on Climate’

    We welcome the move by Santos (ASX:STO) to adopt the Say on Climate initiative and provide shareholders with a non-binding vote on the company’s Climate Change Report at next year’s AGM.

  262. Briefing note

    Investor briefing: Shareholder Resolution to Santos Ltd to adopt Say on Climate reporting

    An annual Say on Climate will provide shareholders with a non-binding advisory vote on Woodside's plan to reduce emissions and its performance against that plan.

  263. Media release

    FMG leads on climate, Twiggy must abandon gas projects

    Fortescue is now firmly leading corporate Australia with this commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2030, without reliance on offsets.

  264. Briefing note

    Investor briefing: Shareholder Resolutions to Woodside Petroleum Ltd to adopt Say on Climate reporting

    An annual Say on Climate will provide shareholders with a non-binding advisory vote on Woodside's plan to reduce emissions and its performance against that plan.

  265. Media release

    Yallourn early closure a sign of the times

    "While EnergyAustralia’s announcement is welcome, continuing to operate a brown-coal fired power station after 50 years of age poses a safety risk to workers and a health risk to the Latrobe Valley community."

  266. Media release

    Rio Tinto must stop funding climate blockers

    “Despite Rio Tinto’s Chairman and new CEO proclaiming their commitment to climate action, the company’s paid lobbyists continue to stand in the way of climate action.”

  267. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to Rio Tinto Ltd on climate-related lobbying

    The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) has filed a shareholder resolution asking Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) to immediately review the advocacy of its industry associations and suspend membership of groups found to be lobbying inconsistently with the Paris Agreement.

  268. Media release

    The clean out continues at Rio Tinto

    There is no realistic prospect of Rio Tinto rebuilding relationships, trust and reputation while those responsible for the degradation of its culture and social performance remain on the board.

  269. Media release

    Rio Tinto becomes first Australian company to commit to climate vote

    This commitment by Rio Tinto heaps further pressure on Santos and Woodside to support ACCR’s resolutions, which will allow shareholders a vote on their climate plans.

  270. Media release

    Glencore leads the way with commitment to climate vote

    “We welcome Glencore’s leadership and initial commitment to put its climate strategy to a vote, and encourage Glencore to commit to making it an annual exercise."

  271. Media release

    APPEA calls for the end of Australia’s oil and gas industry

    APPEA has updated its climate change policy principles for the first time since 2015, which includes its support for net zero emissions by 2050.

  272. Media release

    Say on Climate launches with resolutions to Santos and Woodside

    “The Say on Climate framework will provide shareholders with the opportunity to send a clear signal to the board about whether the company is effectively managing the risks of climate change.”

  273. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to Woodside Petroleum Ltd to adopt Say on Climate reporting

    ACCR has filed Shareholder Resolutions to Woodside Petroleum (ASX: WPL) asking for an annual vote on the adoption of a Climate Report consistent with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Climate Action 100+ Net-Zero Company Benchmark as developed by institutional investors.

  274. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to Santos Ltd to adopt Say on Climate reporting

    ACCR has filed a Shareholder Resolution to Santos (ASX: STO) asking for an annual vote on the adoption of a Climate Report consistent with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Climate Action 100+ Net-Zero Company Benchmark as developed by institutional investors.

  275. Media release

    AGL and Origin writedowns: stranded assets in real time

    “This is a problem largely of the companies’ own making, having acquired the coal-fired power stations from state governments in the last decade, knowing full well the risks embedded in emissions intensive assets”.

  276. Media release

    ‘An afterthought’: Investors must hold Rio Chair to account

    “This is an elementary and entirely avoidable blunder by Thompson, reasonably interpreted by the PKKP as evidence that Rio still views its relationship with traditional owners as ‘an afterthought’.”

  277. Media release

    Scentre Group agrees to boost pandemic reporting

    ACCR has agreed to withdraw a planned shareholder resolution at their upcoming AGM calling for additional reporting from Scentre on its management of cleaning contracts.

  278. Media release

    Super funds divesting from fossil fuels before exhausting all engagement options to deliver for climate

    Engagement and escalation should be pursued prior to any divestment of fossil companies.

  279. Media release

    Juukan Gorge Caves Inquiry—serial and cumulative failings

    “The Inquiry’s diligent work has thrown a long-overdue light on the atrocious treatment of First Nations Australians by governments and mining companies. No one has escaped censure.”

  280. Media release

    G8 wage theft a failure of governance - what else is failing in this childcare system?

    “If child-care companies can’t function effectively enough to pay their workers, how are they trusted to look after children?”

  281. Update

    Calling all Scentre Group Shareholders

    If you hold Scentre Group (ASX:SCG) shares, please consider registering as a shareholder with ACCR to support this important work to ensure that the cleaners who are responsible for keeping us all safe aren’t subject to wage theft and even modern slavery.

  282. Media release

    Santos targets ignore the elephant in the room

    “Santos’ new climate targets ignore its biggest problem: the emissions from the oil and gas it sells to customers (Scope 3). Scope 3 emissions account for approximately 80% of Santos’ carbon footprint.”

  283. Media release

    Woodside climate targets: uninspiring business as usual

    Woodside’s newly announced climate targets are a disappointment to the investor community, demonstrating that the existing Board and Executive are simply not capable of delivering a transition consistent with limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees celsius.

  284. Media release

    Origin AGM: transparency on Indigenous consent and climate lobbying must improve

    Origin Energy cannot continue to ignore investor concerns on the consent of Indigenous communities and lobbying.

  285. Media release

    BHP investors remain focused on lobby groups

    “With this vote, investors have demonstrated to BHP that they remain focused on the impact of its industry associations on both Australian democracy and on climate action.”

  286. Media release

    BHP resolution withdrawn: First Nations Alliance reaches outcome with BHP

    “The measures the First Nations Alliance have secured with BHP could not have happened without the interest of the investment sector and the communication of their expectations about companies’ cultural heritage management.”

  287. Briefing note

    Investor briefing: Shareholder Resolutions to Origin Energy on FPIC and lobbying

    Read the background and reasoning behind upcoming shareholder resolutions to Origin Energy on consent and fracking, and lobbying relating to COVID-19 Recovery

  288. Media release

    BHP dumps QRC; Origin and Santos should do the same

    “BHP has proven the value of ACCR’s shareholder resolution—some industry associations simply won’t change unless there are financial consequences”.

  289. Media release

    AGL AGM: Blackrock support demonstrates Australian investors lag foreign peers

    “Blackrock’s support for this resolution embarrasses Australian super funds and asset managers who voted against the resolution.”

  290. Media release

    Narrabri gas project: investors now last line of defence

    The proposed Narrabri fracking project will imperil Australia’s commitments to the Paris Agreement and its high cost of production will likely see it stranded before the reserves are exhausted.

  291. Briefing note

    Investor briefing: Shareholder Resolutions to BHP Group on cultural heritage and lobbying

    Read the background and reasoning behind upcoming shareholder resolutions to BHP Group on cultural heritage protection and on lobbying relating to COVID-19 Recovery, and ACCR's recommendation that shareholders vote against the re-election of BHP board member Malcolm Broomhead.

  292. Media release

    FMG rejects ACCR shareholder resolution: courier delayed by COVID related issues

    "That FMG is using the pandemic to their advantage is reprehensible; that they are doing this to avoid shareholder scrutiny of their relationships with Aboriginal Traditional Owners begs the question, what are they hiding?”

  293. Media release

    Gas lobby secures taxpayer funding from Federal government for a failing industry

    “The Federal government may have finally given up on thermal coal but the carbon lobby won’t be deterred, by pushing gas, another dirty fossil fuel - which is proven to have the same, if not worse emissions than coal once fugitive methane emissions are factored in.”

  294. Briefing note

    Human Capital Management (HCM) and COVID-19: Engagement in the 2020 AGM season

    This guide draws on lessons learnt from the 2020 US and UK AGM seasons, and analysis of workplace transmission in frontline industries, to provide guidance on how to ensure that companies protect workers in the short term and properly manage their human capital and enhance value creation in the long term.

  295. Media release

    Rio Tinto takes the first step to recovery

    ACCR has welcomed the exit of Rio CEO, Jean-Sébastien Jacques, head of Corporate Relations Simone Niven and Head of Iron Ore Chris Salisbury, but remains concerned at the lack of cultural understanding displayed by the company and its board — specifically in the length of time it took to address this destruction of heritage.

  296. Media release

    FMG resolution calls for moratorium on desecration of Indigenous sites and cease gag orders on traditional owners

    Investors simply can’t stand by and watch another Juukan Gorge disaster unfold.

  297. Media release

    BHP: not good enough; try harder

    “Despite promising the world, BHP fails to deliver any meaningful outcomes in terms of actual emissions reduction. It needs to try harder. BHP should be aiming for a 40-60% reduction in all of its emissions by 2030.”

  298. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to Fortescue Metals Group Ltd on Cultural Heritage

    ACCR has filed Shareholder Resolutions to Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (ASX:FMG) requesting the a moratorium on the damage, removal or destruction of cultural heritage sites until laws are strengthened, and the remove gag orders on traditional owners.

  299. Media release

    BHP must commit to cutting fossil fuel production

  300. Media release

    Renewable energy good for BHP, but not for everyone else

    “BHP’s commitment to renewable energy is welcome. However, while BHP continues to expand fossil fuel production and its own lobby groups remain critical of renewable energy, this announcement is simply more greenwashing from the best in the business.”

  301. Update

    Modern Slavery, Subcontracting and Commercial Cleaning

    In 2020, ACCR launched a program of work that looked at material risks associated with various forms of indirect employment: labour hire, contracting and subcontracting. The commercial cleaning sector was identified as a sector where subcontracting is rife, and the risks associated with indirect employment are high.

  302. Briefing note

    Investor briefing: Shareholder Resolutions to AGL Energy Ltd on coal closure dates

    Shareholders request that our company align the closure dates of the Bayswater and Loy Yang A coal-fired power stations with a strategy to limit the increase in global temperatures to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

  303. Media release

    BHP, Origin Energy, Santos & Woodside aiming to destroy the Clean Energy Finance Corporation

    BHP, Origin Energy, Santos and Woodside are behind efforts to dirty up the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) by allowing it to invest in gas projects.

  304. Media release

    Woolworths: Wage debt now a third of company's profits

    “The figure raises significant questions about internal governance at Woolworths, which continues to refer to the breach as an ‘inadvertent underpayment’.”

  305. Article

    David Murray lacks 2020 board vision

    The former AMP chair did not accept the ESG demands that are now essential to shareholder value.

  306. Media release

    Ansell rakes in cash but no assurances against modern slavery

    While the COVID-19 pandemic has buoyed Australian manufacturing company Ansell, which announced a jump in profits today, it has apparently also halted the company's third-party auditing processes, which flag instances of modern slavery.

  307. Media release

    Rio board review: financial penalties completely off the mark of damage caused; CEO must go

    “Rio Tinto’s board review is highly disappointing. It amounts to little more than a public relations exercise that still attempts to blame the PKKP; previous Rio Tinto administrations; and anyone else, rather than the company’s current senior management.”

  308. Media release

    Hotel Quarantine Inquiry: Appalling testimony - profits ahead of safety yet again

    Evidence heard at Victoria's COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry today has further underscored the risks involved in the contracting of private security services. The Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) is calling on investors and companies to urgently review the use of subcontractors in high risk, front line sectors during the pandemic.

  309. Media release

    David Murray’s rejection of ESG risk finally catches up with him—and AMP

    “It’s abundantly clear that Murray and those who share his views have no place as Directors, much less Chairs, of any listed companies.”

  310. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to Origin Energy on lobbying and consent for fracking

    ACCR's Shareholder Resolution to Origin Energy calls on the company to establish an independent review of consent processes with Aboriginal Native Title holders, and to review the climate lobbying of its industry associations.

  311. Update

    Modern Slavery and Horticulture Supply Chains

    ACCR has engaged Coles (COL) and Woolworths (WOW) on Modern Slavery and labour exploitation in their horticultural supply chains since 2017. Engagement is ongoing through 2020, with COVID-19 posing significant new challenges and risks to workers’ in these supply chains.

  312. Media release

    BHP backs away from Kyoto credits, issues new guidelines for lobby groups

    Now that Australia’s two largest miners, BHP and Rio Tinto, no longer support Kyoto carryover credits, the Business Council of Australia and the Minerals Council of Australia must withdraw their support too.

  313. Media release

    AGL’s battery investment: excellent step; now repeat

    AGL’s planned investment in batteries is welcome, but the strongest signal it could possibly send to the rest of the market right now, is to bring forward the closure dates of Bayswater and Loy Yang A.

  314. Update

    Calling all Fortescue Metals Group Shareholders

    If you hold FMG shares, please consider registering as a shareholder with ACCR to support this important work to protect cultural heritage.

  315. Media release

    BHP resolution: moratorium on desecration of Indigenous sites and cease gag orders on traditional owners

    “Investors simply can’t stand by and allow another Juukan Gorge disaster to take place.”

  316. Media release

    BHP Resolution: cease lobbying efforts on COVID-19 recovery which are inconsistent with Paris targets

    “The advocacy by key BHP industry associations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been fundamentally at odds with the Paris Agreement’s goals”

  317. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolutions to BHP on cultural heritage and lobbying

    ACCR has filed Shareholder Resolutions to BHP Group Ltd (ASX:BHP) requesting the a moratorium on the damage, removal or destruction of cultural heritage sites until laws are strengthened, remove gag orders on traditional owners and cease lobbying efforts on COVID-19 recovery which are inconsistent with Paris targets.

  318. Shareholder Resolution

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution to AGL Energy Ltd on closure dates of Bayswater and Loy Yang A coal-fired power stations

    ACCR Shareholder Resolution and supporting statements to AGL Energy Ltd (ASX:AGL), requesting the company bring forward the closure dates of its Bayswater and Loy Yang A coal-fired power stations.

  319. Media release

    AGL on a collision course with Paris targets and investors

  320. Media release

    Plans for fossil fuel-led recovery are outright dangerous

  321. Media release

    Inghams’ COVID cases unsurprising

    ACCR is calling on investors of Australian meat processing companies to actively and urgently engage with them over the issue of workplace health and safety, following more Covid-19 clusters at meat processing facilities in Victoria.

  322. Media release

    Woodside, Origin writedowns: harbinger of oil and gas industry woes

  323. Briefing note

    Broken chains of responsibility: Victorian COVID-19 clusters reveal subcontracting risks

    This short-term profiteering is a public health issue. Not only does it jeopardise the health and safety of workers, but it increases risks for the whole community, and has major implications for the whole economy.

  324. Media release

    Profits ahead of safety yet again - subcontractors with minimal training guarding Melbourne quarantine hotels

  325. Media release

    Nothing new: AGL’s latest climate statement is same old, same old

  326. Media release

    MCA Climate Action Plan a delay tactic with no detail or tangible actions

  327. Media release

    Glencore making a mockery of its coal commitment

  328. Article

    Minerals Council members dodge headline company tax rate

    New analysis shows that members of the Minerals Council of Australia regularly avoid the highest company tax rate.

  329. Media release

    Gas industry has its claws in the recovery commission

  330. Event

    Free Webinar: How to use your position as a shareholder to change corporate behaviour - Wednesday May 27th, 5pm AEST

  331. Briefing note

    Private Prisons, Immigration Detention and COVID-19

  332. Media release

    Investment giant excludes AGL over coal, puts BHP ‘under observation’

  333. Media release

    Woodside shareholders slam climate inaction

  334. Media release

    Big tech involvement in Covidsafe app warrants further scrutiny

  335. Briefing note

    Decent Work during COVID: The Role for Investors

    COVID-19 is a whole-of-economy crisis that requires a whole-of-economy response. While governments are leading with stimulus, there is a role for investors in ensuring that companies adhere to strong social, labour rights and human rights standards. The COVID crisis is an opportunity for investors to fortify their engagement on the “S”in ESG.

  336. Media release

    Santos shareholders repudiate board’s climate direction in world first vote

  337. Media release

    Rio Tinto rebukes MCA on thermal coal, does not support use of Kyoto carryover credits, but keeps funding climate wreckers

  338. Media release

    Airline workers must share in industry stimulus package to Qantas, Virgin, Regional Airlines

  339. Media release

    Corporate complicity in immigration detention heightens risk during public health crisis

  340. Media release

    Covid-19 exacerbates Aged Care crisis

  341. Media release

    Woodside to face investor pressure on expansion plans, lobbying and propaganda

  342. Media release

    Coles, Wesfarmers underpayments point to widespread governance failure

  343. Media release

    Vote Like You Mean It Preliminary Report 2020

  344. Media release

    Super Funds Failing To Step Up On Climate

  345. Media release

    Investors should ratchet up pressure on Siemens over Adani deal

  346. Media release

    ACCR response to BHP lobbying review

  347. Media release

    Mike Henry’s proximity to climate wreckers should concern investors

  348. Media release

    Coles AGM: Company urged to address Modern Slavery

  349. Media release

    BHP AGM: Australian investors take a stand on anti-climate lobbying

  350. Media release

    Woolworths underpayments a warning for governance of broader supply chains

  351. Media release

    Qantas asylum seekers resolution — largest ever vote against a board on human rights issues

  352. Media release

    Qantas board to face shareholders and experts on deportations and transfers to danger

  353. Media release

    Big banks must stop funding lobbying against climate policy

  354. Media release

    BHP investors declare time’s up on anti-climate lobbying

  355. Media release

    AGL Energy AGM: Australian investors lagging on pollution

  356. Media release

    BHP under pressure on climate lobbying

  357. Media release

    ACCR files worker exploitation resolution with Coles

  358. Media release

    Biloela family deportation facilitated by commercial entities profiting from human rights abuses

  359. Media release

    International investor backs Qantas human rights resolution

  360. Media release

    ACCR files five shareholder resolutions with Origin

  361. Media release

    Aust PR company snubs international law in response to refugee abuse

  362. Media release

    QLD legislation recognises the importance of Aged Care workforce in providing quality care

  363. Media release

    ACCR: NUW report shows supermarkets must do more to manage exploitation in farm supply chains

  364. Media release

    Mercer PR ruling a warning to companies linked to refugee policy

  365. Media release

    ASX 100 failing to disclose workforce

  366. Media release

    New ACCR report finds growing support for shareholder proposals

  367. Media release

    Unanswered questions over supply safety risks in Sigma’s supply chain

  368. Media release

    Santos challenged on climate at AGM

  369. Media release

    Telstra to scrutinise Business Council's 'Climate Policy Obstruction'

  370. Media release

    Equinor poised to pressure lobbyists undermining climate action

  371. Media release

    Labor ‘captured’ by gas industry

  372. Media release

    Rio Tinto Industry Association commitment

  373. Media release

    Media comment: Shell’s industry association review fails Australia

  374. Media release

    New ACCR report finds decent work crucial to security of prescription drug supply

  375. Media release

    Franchising report: investors must hold franchising companies accountable for widespread wage theft

  376. Media release

    Climate villains victorious in WA

  377. Media release

    Santos Climate Change Report 2019: reduce emissions by burning more gas

  378. Media release

    Glencore declares ‘peak coal’

  379. Media release

    On the landmark Rocky Hill mine decision

  380. Media release

    Banking Royal Commission: regulators must overcome ‘catastrophic impotence’

  381. Media release

    Ken Henry calls out Business Council on climate; refuses to rule out Bight oil and gas projects

  382. Media release

    Investors call for Australia to close coal power by 2030

  383. Media release

    Has BHP Chosen Coal Over Coral?

  384. Media release

    NAB commits to reviewing lobby's role in climate and energy

  385. Media release

    Origin Energy AGM: record 46% vote slams anti-climate lobby

  386. Media release

    Westpac to scrutinise Business Council of Australia’s climate lobbying

  387. Media release

    ACCR to increase shareholder activism after IPCC report

  388. Media release

    ASIC report proves investors must step up on climate risk

  389. Media release

    Shareholders challenge Origin consent under UN principles

  390. Media release

    Airlines at risk of engaging in human rights abuses as more asylum seekers and refugees await removal to Sri Lanka

  391. Media release

    Qantas responds to deportations to danger - out of step with investors and international law

  392. Media release

    Qantas to face shareholders at AGM - deportations to danger

  393. Media release

    ACCR to file shareholder resolution calling on Qantas to end deportations to danger

  394. Media release

    Shareholder action under consideration over Qantas’ position on asylum and refugee deportation

  395. Media release

    Gender pay equity: ASX 100 companies rated

  396. Media release

    Minerals Council’s coal projections at odds with Paris Agreement

  397. Media release

    Investors have a key role to play in the energy debate

  398. Media release

    Rio Tinto: 18% vote against coal lobby

  399. Media release

    Shareholder revolt at Rio Tinto’s London AGM over “outright climate hypocrisy”

  400. Media release

    BHP to remain in the US Chamber of Commerce

  401. Media release

    BHP risks investor blowback through association with Canavan’s fossil fuels-friendly taskforce

  402. Media release

    Response to MCA’s updated energy policy

  403. Media release

    Rio Tinto decision not to allow the resolution to be heard at the UK AGM

  404. Media release

    Global investors worth AU$84 billion line up against coal lobbying: Rio resolution

  405. Media release

    BHP and MCA at loggerheads on coal, again

  406. Media release

    ACCR's lines on BHP review

  407. Media release

    The Minerals Council of Australia strikes again – kills off Clean Energy Target in Australia

  408. Media release

    Minerals Council membership on the chopping block at BHP AGM tomorrow

  409. Media release

    BHP’s millions for Minerals Council speak louder than words

  410. Media release

    BHP AGM: UK investors face-to-face with Australia’s ‘decade of climate and energy policy chaos’

  411. Media release

    $430 billion CalPERS to support BHP shareholder resolution at UK AGM

  412. Media release

    Brendan Pearson's resignation as CEO of the Minerals Council of Australia

  413. Media release

    BHP shareholder resolution requests end to relationship with Minerals Council of Australia

  414. Media release

    BHP responds to shareholder concerns about the Minerals Council of Australia